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Archive - Radio Controlled Models
Shown in Order of Purchase


This page is dedicated to the models that are dead/retired/lost/sold, etc.  But without which I wouldn't
be modeling at the level I am at now, so these deserve to be remembered.


Colco Thunderbird
(Status:  Retired, but still complete and ready to go)
(Purchased:  Nov 04)
My first ever helicopter, this taught me so much!
Fixed pitch indoor electric helicopter, upgraded motors and lipo battery.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Click the images above for the video clips

Walkera Dragonfly 36 (x3)
(Status:  Retired, but all 3 are still complete and ready to go)
(Purchased:  Apr 06)
Collective pitch outdoor electric helicopter with belt driven tail rotor,

upgraded to brushless motor, lipo battery and new servos.

Black = 1st, Brushless, lipo, upgraded servos
Red = 2nd, Brushless, and with lipo
Yellow = 3rd, Fully upgraded, inc metal head and brushless
              outrunner, and is sometimes in Jetranger Fuselage.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
July 2007
Video 4

July 2007
Video 5

July 2007
Video 6

July 2007
Video 7

Nov 2007 - 39Mb!!!
Video 8

Feb 2008 - 26Mb!!!
Video 9

March 2008 - 24Mb
Video 10

July 2008
Video 11

July 2009
Video 12

Click the images above for the video clips

T-34 Mentor Plane
(Status:  Retired, but in fully working condition (but very battered!))
(Purchased:  Jun 2006)
My first plane, again I learned to fly with this model.
Outdoor electric plane, standard brushed motor, upgraded to lipo battery and brushless motor.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4
This plane has been retired.  It has suffered from many
crashes, so it had one final flight before being stored.
(See Video 5)

Final Flight before Retirement
Video 5

Click the images above for the video clips

Walkera Dragonfly 4
(Status:  Used Rarely)

(Purchased:  Aug 2006)
Fixed pitch indoor electric helicopter, completely standard.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Speed Boat (Sarahs) - Fast GiG
(Status:  Dead - Sank (Never found!!))
(Purchased:  Sep 2006)
This is Sarahs new RC Boat.  It's excellent fun and very quick.   Twin motors, standard NiCad battery.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Sadly, this sank in Fairlands Lakes in May 2007

Click the images above for the video clips

PicooZ Indoor Micro Helicopter
(Status:  Sold)

(Purchased:  Dec 2006)
Great fun for when the weather outside is too bad to fly.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

(Status:  Dead - Sunk (Never recovered!!))

(Purchased:  May 2007)
I was given a pair of electric Hovercrafts, steered by 2 rear mounted propellers, and inflated by
a third fan that pointed down into the rubber skirt.  These were standard.
Occasionally when the lake is drained these are visible, but cant be accessed due to deep mud!  See photo HERE

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

These both also sank in Fairlands Lakes, we made a mistake
and both became stranded out in the centre of the lake with
not enough power to get back.  Eventually the power faded
and they vanished below the surface!

Click the images above for the video clips

New Speed Boat - Fast GiG
(Status:  Sank, but has been recovered!)

(Purchased:  Aug 2007)
Replacement boat for the one that sank earlier this year.  Upgraded with Spektrum receiver borrowed from
the Blade Helicopter to give fully proportional throttle and steering.  Much Better!!!
Update1:  This is being upgraded to a Single Prop, Dual Rudder & Brushless Motor system, I have no idea if it will work, or if it will sink!!
Update2:  The upgrade worked really well for a short time, but the plastic links couldn't cope with the extra power and snapped, the prop totally
fell out resulting in no power and a bit of a water leak. The inevitable sinking can be seen in video 2.
Update3:  Boat was recovered, and is currently waiting for a rebuild.  Our local lake is drained for refurbishment
so it will be quite a while before it is revived.  See photo

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Schumacher SST Sport (x2)
(Status:  Very rarely used, but still complete and ready to go)

(Purchased:  Nov 2007)
I bought myself a 2nd-hand electric racing car.  Thought it was about time I got something with 4 wheels!!!
What can go wrong with this?  It cant fall out of the sky, or sink....
Update: Bought a 2nd one, non running, for parts. But have got it running again.
Update: The black Lambo has been fitted with drift tyres to make it into a very good drifter!

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

New Colco Thunderbird - Ver2
(Status:  Sold)
(Purchased:  Dec 2007)
Fixed pitch indoor electric helicopter, lipo battery.
This is actually 3rd Hand.  It was bought by Adam who then sold it to Tom.  Both tried to learn to fly and both gave up.

As you can see from Video 1 this heli does actually fly, and it flies well despite numerous crashes.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

This has been sold back to Adam (the original owner)

Click the images above for the video clips

RC Truck (Sarahs)
(Status:  Dead - Broken)

(Purchased:  Jan 2008)
RWD Electric Truck.  This is a simple RC Truck that was bought by Sarah just to have a bit of fun with.
Its great, it goes through puddles and mud and goes over most things (including my RC Car!)
It is more rugged than you'd expect and often ends up on its roof, but has been 100% reliable.
Currently is being upgraded to brushless motor with proportional steering & power.
Update:  The plastic gears couldn't cope with the extra power and stripped themselves.  We were unable
to get replacements.  It's a bit too far gone, so this truck has been abandoned  :-(

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

XRC R2 Offroad Buggy
(Status:  Sold)
(Purchased:  August 2008)
Petrol, not nitro!.  Within a few days of use and it already needs parts...

Review:  Not quite sure about this yet.  Within a few days I have had to replace the
receiver, both servos, and the pull-start four times!  Both rear tyres have ripped to bits.
There seem to be some design flaws, and it is cheap so you get what you pay
for I guess.  I've spent so much money on this since buying it!!!

I have pretty much "Given Up" with this model.  It is such poor quality, never works and always breaks.
I can't keep throwing money at it, so I have had to give up and stop trying to use it.

After more effort I have now got this running well and I'm happy with it.

Sadly it has to go, I need the space in the garage for my new Nitro Heli!

Read my XRC R2 Buggy Review Here

Just run in!
Video 1
Running much better now.
Video 2
XRC will die in the Wet!  Mine did!!!
Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

TandemZ Indoor Micro Helicopter
(Status:  Sold)

(Purchased:  October 2008)
Sarah bought this for me - my first dual-rotor helicopter.  And much trickier to fly than the PicooZ.

Jan 09
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Hyper 7 Black - Nitro Buggy
(Status:  Sold)
(Purchased:  October 2009)
Winter is getting closer and closer and therefore it's getting more and more difficult to fly, so
I bought this to give me something to do over the coming months..
It's second hand, already run in and in very good condition.
Finally swapped this, it's gone to a good home where it will get more use than I gave it.

Dec 2009
Video 1
April 2010
Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Merlin Swift AR (MX2)
(Status:  In the bin!  After a bad crash, and the landing gear constantly breaking off,
I had to give up on this plane and broke it for parts. It would have cost more to fix than to replace!)
(Purchased:  May 2011)
Foam - Electric

May 2011
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Nikko Sea Astro Boat
(Purchased:  Jun 2011)
Electric - As standard this was awful, but I've upgraded the electronics to give it fully proportional
throttle and rudder and added lipo battery and bigger motor for more power.
It's better, but still not great, so it's only going to be used as a rescue boat for my other boat(s), therefore
this model has been moved to the Archive

July 2011
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Ripmax Wot-4
(Status:  Gone to a new home!)
(Purchased:  August 2012)
Swapped this for my Hyper-7, which I hadn't used in ages.
Totally standard.  Foam, not Balsa.

Sept 2012
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips

Opal Helicopter (Kyanite)
(Purchased:  May 2010)
Sarah bought this for me for me too :-)  Only a 3 channel but flies REALLY well.
Gears stripped, uneconomical to repair.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Click the images above for the video clips



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